Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Travel Charity For Chronic or Terminal Illness

If you need to travel in order to receive treatment for your Lyme disease, the folks at Roses From Linda may be able to help.  It is a travel charity that I learned about while watching the Steve Harvey show.  I was lucky enough to have a Lyme disease doctor who was 1/2 an hour from my home.  Not everyone is that lucky.  Lyme disease doctors are few and far between.  Even if you have one near your house, it may take a year or more to see someone locally.  (My Lyme doctor is so busy, she books a year in advance and sees patients from far and wide.)  It may necessitate traveling to someone in a distant state in order to get in to see the doctor in a timely fashion.  With Lyme disease, it is important to receive treatment quickly before the damage to joints, tendons, and nerves becomes permanent.  If you don't have the money to travel, you may be eligible for assistance, so don't wait!

If you want to make a donation to Roses From Linda in memory of someone who has lost their battle with chronic illness such as Lyme disease, you may contribute cash or frequent flyer miles.

For help with travel expenses, treatment, or equipment click on the link below:

Help with expenses related to a chronic illness, including medical, travel expenses, and housing:

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Rebuilding After Lyme Disease

After a disease like Lyme is over, one needs to begin rebuilding.  There is so much collateral damage that has occurred in its wake. Where to begin?  I'd like to start by making a list of some of the damage.

  • rebuild lost muscle tone
  • regrow hair
  • catch up on sleep
  • loose/gain weight, depending on the individual
  • regain self-confidence
  • rebuild relationships/friendships
  • become a productive person at home/work
  • rebuild a positive, hopeful attitude about life
I am sure that there are other things that I am forgetting.  The list of things that I need to work on isn't only physical, it's mental, social, financial, and emotional.  Lyme disease is isolating and depressing, even with a supportive network of friends, family, and medical professionals.  It will take a lot of time and effort to get back to the way that I was only a couple of years ago.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

New Cure For Lyme?

A friend in the scientific community sent me a link to an article that has a potential cure for swiftly wiping out Lyme and persistent co-infections.  I just had to share this good news.  It may be worth sharing this with your doctor or asking to try a "Z-Pak" for Lyme.  I plan to share this with my doctor at my next appointment.
Zirthromax, the “Z-Pak” common to doctors’ offices worldwide, has not been used to fight the superbugs. Traditional lab tests in standard bacteriologic media had shown the standard antibiotic to have no effect.
But the new study shows that growing the potentially-deadly bacteria in mammalian tissue culture media made a huge difference – and proves that in real hospital settings, the Zithromax could turn the tide against the spreading germs.
“Even more striking, the drug-resistant superbugs were completely wiped out when azithromycin was paired with the antibiotic colistin or with antimicrobial peptides produced natural by the human body during infection,” said the authors.
See the complete abstract in the link below: