Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Your Knee Joints and Lyme Disease

Lyme disease attacks many areas of the body.  One of its favorite targets is, perhaps, the knee joints. It will sometimes  attack one knee, or alternate one knee and then the other. It is easy for many doctors to misdiagnose Lyme for Rheumatoid arthritis or Reactive arthritis.  It does resemble both of these illnesses.  It is important to get prompt treatment because it is a progressive illness with distinct symptoms at each stage.  By the time your large joints become affected pain and swelling, you've had Lyme disease for quite some time.  For many people, swollen neck, shoulder, and knee joints are the first sign that something isn't right.  They are already in the third stage or tertiary Lyme disease.

What are some things that a person can do to help prevent damage from Lyme disease, in addition to taking antibiotics?  If you have already been "cured" of Lyme disease, how can you repair the damage caused by this bacterial infection?

Here is one idea that I have found:

Here is a smoothie recipe for strengthening your knees.  I posted this one before, but it's worth repeating:

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Calcium Bomb

Calcium causes inflammation with bacterial infections:

This book has implications for Lyme disease, Mad Cow disease, etc.

The Calcium Bomb

If you can find a copy, it is worth a read!

Thyroid Gland and Lyme Disease

Your thyroid gland controls your metabolism and helps control your energy levels, sleep patterns, and heart rate.  Hypothyroidism, or low functioning thyroid is linked to Lyme disease for some patients.  I found a link that describes how to test for low iodine, which is necessary for a healthy thyroid gland:

Red onion juice as a folk remedy for thyroid issues:

Friday, January 22, 2016

Your Eyes And Lyme Disease

Your eyes can provide some tell-tale signs of Lyme disease.  It can be one of the first symptoms of Lyme disease and co-infections.  These symptoms can be irreversible, if not treated early, so it is important to bring these to the attention of your doctor.  What are some of these symptoms?  

  • conjunctivitis
  • copper-tinted eye lids
  • light sensitivity
  • clouded or fuzzy vision
  • poor night vision
  • problems with depth perception
  • floaters
  • trouble focusing when reading
  • retinal artery damage
  • eye  muscle twitching
  • can predispose to cataract formation
  • keratitis 
  • vision loss
  • double vision
  • dry eyes
Here is a link to a study about the Lyme disease and vision symptoms:

Herxheimer Reactions and Detoxification

How to manage detoxification and Lyme disease:

Heavy metals and Lyme disease:

Detoxing with a heat lamp:

Monday, January 18, 2016

Getting A Second Opinion?

Columbia University in New York is doing research on Lyme disease.  They have a web page with information for Lyme patients that includes definitions, complications, information about testing, and answers to questions that you may have about Lyme disease.  This is a source that you could share with your primary care physician.  The contact page also contains information about how someone could make an appointment with their facility to get a second opinion.  Rather than going to Cleveland Clinic or Mayo Clinic, where they don't seem to be able to properly diagnose or treat Lyme patients, I would recommend going to Columbia instead.  Below is a link to their contact page. I wish that I had known about this useful resource when I first contracted Lyme disease.  There is still much to learn about this complicated illness, and they are working on it!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Hello From The Other Side Of Lyme

It seems that everyone is singing a parody of Adele's latest hit song.  If I had even a smidgen of singing talent, I would be singing from the rooftops.  It sure feels great to be on the mend.  A lot of the lyrics already make sense for a break up about Lyme disease.  This is one break up that I definitely initiated and I am happy about!  Just for fun, I made up a poem about breaking up with Lyme:

Hello, spirochete  (parody, sung to Adele’s Hello)

Hello, spirochete,
I was wondering if after all these years you’d like to leave,
And take away all this pain?
Docs say the meds supposed to heal ya,
But I ain’t done much healin’

Hello from the other side!
Misdiagnosed a thousand times.
I’m sorry, but you don’t have Lyme,
But spirochetes know how to hide!

Hello, doc, can you hear me?
I’m in Indiana dreamin’ of who I used to be.
When I was young, and free of disease.
I’ve forgotten how it feels to be fun
And to stand on my feet.

There is such a difference
Between RA arthritis,
And a million lives.

Hello from the other side
I’ve finally gotten rid of Lyme!
I’m sorry for everyone
Who still has to try.

Hello from the inside
I must have cried a thousand times.
Same story, I’m sorry

ELIZA, you’re breaking my heart.

I am still not 100%, but some of that is just a loss of muscle mass and atrophy from 3 years of not exercising and being house-bound. Even after being cured, there is still work to be done to recover from this disease. I am having to work on detox, strength train, and develop endurance.  I still tire easily and stay home most evenings.  I have learned to pace myself and break tasks into small, manageable chunks.  Simple chores such as taking out the trash or shoveling snow from the driveway or sidewalk can be impossible at times.  

I found a recipe that addresses some of the issues that come with recovering from damage due to Lyme disease.  I may add a pinch of turmeric.  It could be a breakfast or snack replacement.

A shake for healing and strengthening your knees:

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Arthritis Diet May Help With Lyme Disease

Cleaning up your diet can go a long way to improve your health, especially when you have Lyme arthritis.  In the link below, one woman with Rheumatoid arthritis, had her symptoms disappear completely after only one week of changing her diet.  The diet changes consisted of eliminating refined wheat products, processed foods, and all dairy.  She substituted plenty of fruits and vegetables.  There is a long list of foods that are not allowed.  The diet downloads are free and include recipes and a printable grocery list.  The diet program was written by a doctor.  Try it for yourself and let me know if you see improvement.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

A New Year of Lyme Disease

Ringing in the New Year with Lyme disease can be disheartening.  Another year has passed, and many are still fighting for a normal life.  But this is also a time to remind us that we can start again with renewed hope.  Moving forward, even with small steps and changes can mean a lot of improvement over days, weeks, and months.  Stay the course, and eventually you will get there.

With that thought, let's make a pact together.  A new resolve to beat this disease, once and for all.  I am making a short list of resolutions for beating Lyme.

I resolve to:

  • get enough sleep every day
  • hydrate with water
  • clean up my diet (no junk food, fast food,  processed meat, packaged foods,carbs, sugars, etc.)
  • eliminate chemicals from my home and use natural or home made cleaning products
  • don't take on too much (learn to say no and mean it)
  • spend less time on electronic devices (computer, television, phone, etc.)
  • read print material (books, newspapers, etc.)
  • moderate exercise (walk, gym, swim, bicycle, etc.)
  • socialize (church, community volunteer, etc.)
  • be an advocate for myself and others with Lyme disease
  • vote and encourage legislation for health care for chronic illness such as Lyme
  • simplify (what can I eliminate or leave out that will make my life easier and happier?)
  • wear sunscreen and bug spray to prevent tick bites
Your list may look a little different than mine, however writing it all down helps it to stick around until next year.  Good luck!