Sunday, February 8, 2015

A Pet Peeve

I was more and more convinced now that I had Lyme disease and not something like arthritis or cancer.  Only Lyme presents such bizarre symptoms.  If only I didn't have to wait for the Lyme doctor to prescribe antibiotics.  I had heard about people buying medicine in Canada without a prescription on the internet.  I decided to look into that option.  There were plenty of online pharmacies to choose from there.  Which ones were legitimate and were scam artists ripping people off?  I tried ordering some doxycycline.  They wouldn't accept U.S.  credit cards.  I cancelled my order.  I decided it is too risky.

Then one day I was reading a blog about saving money, living well on less, and being frugal.  The author was describing how she had treated her dog with some powdered antibiotics that she had purchased for around $5.00 from a farm supply store.  The antibiotics were actually designed to treat swine, sheep, or cattle.  The antibiotics were similar to doxycycline used to treat Lyme.

I am not proud of what I did next.  I went to a farm supply store in a rural area just outside of town.  I asked the clerk if they had any animal antibiotics.  She asked, "What do you want them for?"  I hesitated.  "I want them for my dog."  She showed me the different types.  I selected the type described in the blog.  It had a chart showing pounds and the correct dosage per pound.  It could be mixed with water.  The bag was large and would last a long time.  I was going to treat myself, if no one else would.  This is probably illegal or something and I hoped that no one would find out what I was doing.  It just showed how desperate that I had become to get well. I drove home and took my first dose.

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